Redis is fast, but you need to know more
Redis is a very good distributed caching service you can use to improve your services’ performance. Most important is FAST! Redis is really fast in terms of caching. At my work, running a data centric web services, we use Redis heavily to make sure our users can see and visualize data right away. Our services start with a single Redis instance in Azure. We choose the most expensive plan to achieve the highest network bandwidth and throughput — it’s a 53GB single instance redis cache. As we use this Redis cache more and more widely, we start seeing a simple READ action takes about 200ms to retrieve a JSON of 100KB. Adding a few hundred milliseconds to a AJAX calls on a page may not to be a big deal, but if there are a lot of data calls it starts impacting user experience. In addition, our services could get into a burst situation to request cache that slows down the performance even more. ...