TL;DR I started to intentionally see how much AI can impact my life over the holiday, so I incorporate as many AI tools as possible into my daily life, both at work and at home. I wrote down some of the scenarios I encountered with AI and shared my experience and thoughts.
When I ask what, why or how? Asking “what, why and how” happens a lot for me. I search things like “what is flood insurance, and why people buy it”. My typical workflow is having a Chrome tab open and another tab to research. I search from the address bar (yes, I like to do it). Then open more tabs to dive deep. The amount tab and window switches are a lot. After years, my tab/switching is seamless now but I’d like to avoid. I used ChatGPT desktop on my mac, perplexity etc. It saves a lot of tabs I have to open when I do research, and that’s where most of back-and-forth Q&A happens.